Part 3: Beer Run

It was that or Booze Cruise, but since this chapter doesnt involve a boat You get the picture.

OVERWORLD MUSIC: The Continent of Nadias (Disc 1, Track 15)
We open this chapter with a brief shot of our world map. Much like an actual ye olde travlers map, its in a sort of sepia tone and looks to be hand drawn. Ill post a composite image of the full map later on, but basically Nadias as a continent is vaguely crescent shaped . The Kingdom of Balandor encompasses pretty much everything you see on this screen up to the mountain range running down the right there.
As you can probably tell by the straight line and cursor set up, the game is essentially divided into environment stages which we move between using the map as a fast transit hub. As we progress through the story more destinations will unlock, but right now weve only got one option: Balastor Plain. Once we clear Balastor Plain, well be free to move on to Parma Village. But, first things first

CUTSCENE: In the Wild Now
CUTSCENE / AERA MUSIC: Balastor Plain (Disc 1, Track 5)
Leonard and Orren leave Balandor Castltown, arriving on Balastor Plain on their way to Parma.

CUTSCENE: Leonard Explains How To Play The Game
And so Leonard and Orren set out on their trek across Balastor Plain. Leonard volunteers to take point as he knows the way to Parma, while Orren hangs back, letting assessing where exactly would be the best spot on the back of Leonards head to bury his axe into should the time finally come
At this point in the game, even in New Game+ games, Leonard pauses things to go through a series of tutorials to explain the mechanics of the games battle system. Ill cover all that in the gameplay update though, so as not to derail the story. The 5-second version of things? Have you played Final Fantasy XII? Okay, good, just picture that, but dumber. Literally.
Now, Balastor Plain is ostensibly a wide open area full of spots to faff about in and explore. You can very easily run all over Balastor Plain and leveling up to like level 10 or so before you even set foot anywhere near Parma's end of the map. But right now in-game, however, the only thing you really can do is go towards Parma because all the points of interest (and I use that term very loosely) on the map are barricaded off at the moment so heading to Parma is our only real productive option.
So lets do that

Seriously, what kind of person sees someone walk past a complete stranger in such a manner that its clear he doesnt know them from Adam, and then asks them later if that person was a friend of theirs?
Ive owned Chia Pets with more situational awareness than Leonard possesses. And we're just getting started.

These are all examples of Live Talk, by the way. Its an option you can turn on that lets your party members comment on things as you roam around whatever town or field youre in. The entire party gets their say in things, not just your active three characters.
Everyone except the Avatar of course. Because there is no goddamn way Level-5 would EVER let the Avatar say anything that isnt simply combat walla.
Since Leonard is our only speaking party member right now, we get to hear his insightful commentary on things. Thus far its mostly consisted of him complaining about having to work for a change, how much of an asshole Rapacci is for expecting him to do any work, and banal surface-level situational musings like gee, there sure are a lot of people in town for the Princesss birthday. Pretty much everyone else who will eventually come to form our party has more interesting/funny/insightful things to say in their Live Talk bits. Ill try to include as much plot or character-relevant bits of Live Talk that I can, where I can because even the sort of banal bits really help flesh out everyones characterization (even Leonards).
Though its also around this point that I find myself wanting to go back to Balandor and check out how things are going between Valtos and Dalam and that whole peace treaty thing.
I wonder what theyre discussing right now? Its got to be infinitely more interesting than following this brickhead with his out-of-control rattail around as he beats up docile Wood Jawas and giant fuck-off bees.
I can just see them gathered around a table in Balandor Castle, Dalam having parked his giant horn chair right up against one end of it, Cyrus staring daggers at his Farian counterparts because hes a racist jerk, Sarvain skulking in a corner plotting new and interesting ways to drown puppies, Cisna just standing there doing her best Avatar impression, not saying a word or being noticed by anyone, and Valtos coming up with new ways of working his dead wife into each new discussion of things like border and trade agreements.

Oh thank Christ, were here.

CUTSCENE: Welcome to Parma
CUTSCENE / AREA MUSIC: Parma Village (Disc 1, Track 6)
Welcome to Parma, a rustic village known for its farming communities and its fine wines.

Well this place looks positively jumping compared to Balandor, right?

The pair are interrupted from their sightseeing by the appearance of a girl with, for some reason, purple hair, whom they apparently walked right by without even realizing it.
The blocking in this game is absolutely ridiculous some times, creating moments like this where Leonard looks like an even bigger moron than he actually is by walking clean past a girl he has known since infancy.
Anyway, this is Yulie. Shes actually who we were sent here to meet up with, only Leonard forgot to mention it. Because hes slow.

Christ, look at how short Leonard is compared to Orren. According to the games character creator, Orren is 61 tall, and Leonard barely comes up to his shoulder. I swear he is like 51 or something because he looks like hes a full foot shorter than Orren.
Again, this is more evidence of the games half-assedness, as they dont even care to scale the Avatar properly some times. The Avatars size in cutscenes is all over the place. Sometimes Orren is the same height or slightly taller than Leonard and the other characters, other times hes a freakin giant compared to them.
They just dont care, thats all. Could you imagine playing Final Fantasy XIII and having, say, Hope change size based on how the design time felt like animating each particular cutscene? Or how about Mass Effect to use a more appropriate example. You cant alter Shepards height in the ME games, but if you could, would you take the game seriously if you could provide visual evidence of him/her changing size compared to Garrus or Liara depending on the cutscene? Hell no.

Id also be remiss if I didnt point out Yulies odd attire. Its half medieval peasant, half Japanese school girl. Its this weird one-piece thing with a built-in leather miniskirt and separate sleeves.
Also her boobs are about the size of her head and will jiggle under the proper circumstances. Of all the things they half-ass in this game only to take the time to get jiggle physics right.
For gods sake, Level-5. You were hand-picked by Hayao Miazaki to make a video game with his animation studio. A studio that has won fucking Academy Awards and produced universally beloved works of animation and storytelling. Im starting to wonder why now.

Yulie heads off further into town, beckoning Leonard and Orren to follow.

Fun/Weird/Sad fact: its implied that the Avatar (male and female) has a thing for Yulie. It could just be Level-5s incompetent facial animations as shown off in the above screencapture, although the two are placed in close proximity many times thorough the game. That up there at the very least is a look of bemused intrigue.
Ive heard that people have written Yulie/Avatar fanfiction, but I have not had the gumption to try and confirm this because it would shatter my view that this game didnt have fans dedicated enough to it to actually write fanfiction about it.
Unless you consider this LP fanfiction, in which case, come join me in Hell, its actually quite cozy, once you get used to it.

Leonard just stands there like a moron for a solid five minutes as Yulie and Orren head towards the beastwain on the opposite end of town.

And there it is in the distance

CUTSCENE: The Beastwain


I just said that.

Yulie heads off to find the fabled Raus

A development that distresses our haplessly co-dependent

And so Leonard starts randomly running around town.

So Leonard starts asking random people around town if theyve seen Raus. However, theyre not interested in talking to him.


It seems Yulie is having her own set of trouble trying to locate Raus. Something tells me that if you cant find one guy in a literal one-street town, hes probably not someone worth finding Just a guess.
Either that or Yulie is just as dumb as Leonard is.
You know, Im starting to question Rapaccis parenting skills if the two children hes raised to adulthood have an IQ between them roughly equal to room temperature.
(And even then, Yulie has the lion share of it).

Leonard continues a time-honoured tradition of JRPG protagonists in his search for our wayward wagoner: randomly entering other peoples houses!
Sadly, Raus wasnt there.

Maybe hes in the village chiefs house?


Maybe hes dead!
I wish he was dead.

Hey, these graves are all unmarked! And they apparently have grapes on their tombstones here.
Because they are that. Fucking. SERIOUS. About wine in Parma.

Leonard takes a moment to admire the view of Parmas wine fields and try to remember what exactly he was doing just a second ago. Just off screen, Orren is pondering the benefits of pushing him off the cliff.

Back on the hunt.

We come to the horse pasture. Count yourself lucky that this is a sight and occasionally sound-only LP because this place STINKS!

In the back corner of the pasture, under the shade of the trees and surrounded by an impressive pile of empty wine bottles rests a lone Papituar.
Papitaurs are diminutive little creatures with large rabbit ears on their heads and rabbit-like eyes. They all talk, unfailingly, in weird and annoying accents.
Papitaurs are terrible. Every last one of them. Raus, however, is our introduction to Papitaur culture. Hes the probably the worst Papitaur character in the game in terms of his actions and characterization. Though really, Osmund, Rocco, and Amir are the only serviceable Papitaur characters. The rest of em are shit.

Yep. This is our wagon driver.

He, of course, is fast asleep in a drunken haze.

CUTSCENE: Raus the Wagoneer

You know, I have to hand it to the little shit, hes polished off FIVE full bottles of wine and hes only like 31. He should be dead right now given the amount of alcohol hes consumed; instead hes just sleeping it off.
Also ha-hah, Level-5, Im so glad you were able to get the huge beast, tiny tamer cliché out of the way so quickly. And it only takes you until the second time you pull out this trope in the game to actually make it half-way funny.
Good work! </sarcasm>

Leonard, befuddled as usual, ponders waking our sleeping rabbit man.

Yulie catches sight of Raus, finally. She does the appropriate thing and rushes up to him and starts yelling at him for being an irresponsible drunk shitheel.

Faced with an angry, possibly murderously so, purple-haired teenage girl looming over him, Raus snaps awake and back to sobriety.

Raus clutches his head, most likely both to calm his raging hangover, and out of fear for his continued safety

I wasnt joking about that whole possibly murderous thing. Shes ready to snap his neck in this scene.

Wriggling out of Yulies deathgrip, Raus runs and hides behind Leonard.
Pick a better human shield, buddy.

Raus whimpers like a bitch and continues cowering behind Leonard until Yulie and Orren kick his ass back to the beastwain.

Somehow, four hours passes between then and now, and suddenly its sundown.

This lazy turd took THE REST OF THE AFTERNOON to climb into the drivers seat. Either that or the world of White Knight Chronicles has the fastest day/night cycle in RPG history.
Or, its something youre going to be witnessing a lot of as we go forward: a plot contrivance. IE: Something that happens simply because it needs to happen for the sake of the story. For example, its twilight right now because it needs to be twilight.
Nevermind that it takes a minute tops to walk from where Raus was sitting back to the bestwain and seconds to climb aboard it and get it ready, which it already was when the trio went to go look for Raus.
There is no logical explanation for why it is suddenly dark now, other than Leonard and Yulie indulged Raus as he took the rest of a long summers afternoon to stumble back into the drivers seat of the wagon.
Everyone in this picture sucks. Except for Orren, who I imagine was simply ignored throughout the whole ordeal. As usual.

Leonard looks to the sky and states the obvious.

Because she knows the score, Yulie recaps what weve already figured out ages ago for Leonard.
Because hes dumb.

Oh Leonard, your unwavering faith the female sex is truly something to be admired.

This is the delightful, self-confident trot of a woman who gives no fucks about what you think of her, and SPOILER ALERT, never will.

I think you need to get your head out of your ass.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: New Allies (Unreleased Track)

OVERWORLD MUSIC: The Continent of Nadias (Disc 1, Track 15)
Back on the World Map, weve once again got to clear Balastor Plain to get back to Balandor. This is the second-to-last time in the game that Balastor Plain will be plot-relevant in this game, by the way. We go back here once more in the second game, and then that's it.

CUTSCENE: Leonard Explains Combos
We now have a full active party of three members. From this point on, you will always have three party members, unless its part of some special scripted battle.

Technically weve got four party members for this part. Raus is a guest character for the run back to Balandor Castle.
Ill explain why this is a terrible thing in the gameplay update, outside of the obvious terribleness of being saddled with Raus in general.

Leonard and co. run along the path back to Balandor Castle, when suddenly

A change in aspect ratio portends the arrival of certain doom.

CUTSCENE: Sylvan Savage

Leonard suddenly calls the party to a halt, sensing that somethings wrong.

I just said that, shithead.

Raus looks nervously at Leonard.

Suddenly, the plain has become all too quiet.

A flock of birds, startled by something, takes flight into the darkening sky. The ground begins to shake with a steady THUMP.

Something begins to emerge from behind the bend ahead of them. Something big.

Something armed.

Something nasty.

CUTSCENE / BOSS MUSIC: A Worthy Opponent Draws Near (Disc 1, Track 8)

BOSS FIGHT: Troll (with subtitle commentary)
And here is not just our first boss, but also our first giant enemy, a troll. Nearly every boss in this game has one of these silly, semi-poetic alliterative subtitles.
For more on the mechanics of boss fights, check out the gameplay update one post down.
Otherwise heres the straight New Game video of the boss fight.
Even if youve just run to and from Parma doing nothing but killing only the enemies that have gotten in your way between there and here, you should be about Level 3 by now, and thats more than strong enough to handily work over this troll in less than 5 minutes with nothing more than the gear you started the game with.
This is not a boss so much as its a tutorial, as youll see in the video/gameplay update.

The bigger they are

The harder the cliché is to finish

So yeah, thats one dead troll someone gets to come along and clean up. You just KNOW that some desperate and/or perverted scavenger is gonna come along and pry off that codpiece before anyone else gets their hands on it.
Not to mention theres enough leather, iron, and fabric on that thing to equip like ten people adequately. Assuming youre okay with what I can only assume is troll stink all over your new belt and jacket.
Also, given the fact that is has managed to cloth and equip itself with some fairly complex pieces of fabric and metalwork, Im pretty sure were all complicit in the murder of a sentient being now. A 20 foot-tall, green-skinned sentient being.
This troll was somebodys son who just wanted to get drunk on probably the troll equivalent to a can of cheap beer. But no, we had to get the nobles their wine, so it had to be defended with deadly force.
Thats Leonard for you. His heroism thus far has consisted of murdering diminutive humanoid creatures and bees, failing to corral a drunkard that a teenage girl was capable of lifting off his feet on to a wagon in under four hours, and now murdering a massive humanoid by essentially stabbing at its kneecaps until it collapsed, and then stabbing its crotch until it died, Army of Darkness-style.
WHITE KNIGHT CHRONICLES! The epic fantasy adventure!

Now, doubletime to Balandor! At this rate we should make it back to the castle by

CUTSCENE: The Late Arrival

Fucking midnight. You useless tits.

No comment.
Actually, one comment: drink in the failure, folks. It starts with small things like failing to do his job properly and will eventually snowball into I-wish-I-were-shitting-you-history-altering-scale-failure. Again, its a rare example of deft storytelling from the game, preparing you for the fuck up that is Leonard with little things like this.
Well done, White Knight Chronicles. Well done.

Yulie, of course, has no time for Leonards self-pitting bullshit. My admiration for her has done nothing but grow by leaps and bounds.

The thing roars wearily.

Leonard suddenly gets an idea. And of course, typical of Leonard and thinking, he has to come to a complete stop in order to process a full thought.

He rushes to the back of the wagon and starts pushing it up hill, contributing probably zero pounds of additional torque to the massive beasts hauling power.

Yulie rushes in to help Leonard push the wagon. Orren hangs back a few steps, because, well, seriously guys, youre not helping.

No, really, all youre gonna do is wear yourselves out before you get anywhere near the castle.
You know what? On second thought, you go for it. Push that cart. Push it like youve never pushed anything in your life. Youre making a difference. Youre accomplishing something.
You can do it.

And on this Sisyphusian image, we pan up to the night sky as the chapter draws thankfully to a close.
Find out next time if Leonard makes it to the castle alive.
Strap yourselves in, kids. The calm is over as of our next chapter.

What can I say other than I just wanted to get paid? Im sure lots of people have used that justification for lots of things.
I mean, that Yulie girl seemed like a decent person, but I was seriously Id bit off a little too more than I could chew in Leonard.
Id decided about halfway up the hill to Balandor castle that I was just gonna take another bounty contract at the Adventurers Guild and be on my way to Greede or somewhere before any of them realized I was gone the next morning.
Its funny how fate works sometimes

- 2.1 In The Wild Now
- 2.i Leonard Explains How to Play The Game
- 2.2 Welcome to Parma
- 2.3 The Bestwain
- 2.4 Raus the Wagoneer
- 2.ii Leonard Explains Combos
- 2.5 Sylvan Savage
- 2.iii Troll Boss Fight
- 2.6 The Aftermath
- 2.7 The Late Arrival